The Green World - Plants
This series was produced by MP Axle for Infobase Learning. It covers a breadth of topics on botany, from plant cells to ethnobotany to plant genetics. I produced all the animations and motions graphics for the series. Because natrual-world animations are extraordinarily time-consuming to create, I worked a lot in Cinema 4D with the XfrogPlants plug-in. It allowed me to create realistic, species-accurate videos and images. Of course, all of the internal structures, cellular-level models and motion graphics had to be created from scratch... But that's part of the fun.
The Green World - Plants
This series was produced by MP Axle for Infobase Learning. It covers a breadth of topics on botany, from plant cells to ethnobotany to plant genetics. I produced all the animations and motions graphics for the series. Because natrual-world animations are extraordinarily time-consuming to create, I worked a lot in Cinema 4D with the XfrogPlants plug-in. It allowed me to create realistic, species-accurate videos and images. Of course, all of the internal structures, cellular-level models and motion graphics had to be created from scratch... But that's part of the fun.
This series was produced by MP Axle for Infobase Learning. It covers a breadth of topics on botany, from plant cells to ethnobotany to plant genetics. I produced all the animations and motions graphics for the series. Because natrual-world animations are extraordinarily time-consuming to create, I worked a lot in Cinema 4D with the XfrogPlants plug-in. It allowed me to create realistic, species-accurate videos and images. Of course, all of the internal structures, cellular-level models and motion graphics had to be created from scratch... But that's part of the fun.